Columns and articles
Jasmine has been writing all her life.
- She is the author of 38 books
- She writes columns in newspapers and magazines
- She writes articles for a range of newspapers and websites
- She writes articles and eBooks for her website
- She writes jokes and comedy scripts and has written for comedy sketch shows in the past
Jasmine has had columns in various newspapers and magazines including The Daily Mail, The Mirror, The Independent, and Closer magazine.
Currently she has a humorous column in Moneywise magazine. See some of her fun articles about money matters here.
Jasmine also writes regularly for Good Housekeeping magazine, Female First, The Express and MoneyAware.
She also has a column in the glossy, monthly women’s magazine Platinum.
“I love your column in Moneywise. You always put a smile on my face with your cheeky style.”
Edith Geissler, reader
Jasmine writes regularly for The Mirror, Good Housekeeping magazine, Female First, The Express and MoneyAware.
Corporate writing
Jasmine also writes for brand websites from time-to-time. She is usually hired to write a series of articles or take part in online Q and A’s.
Brands she has written for include Sainsbury’s Bank, Tesco Bank, Funding Circle, SunLife and Visit England.
Comedy writing
Jasmine is the author of several joke books including the Bestseller ‘A Little Book of Abuse’.
She has written comedy songs and sketches for radio sketch shows and live sketch shows such as The Newsrevue in central London.
She has written several comedy speeches which she has performed at conferences and company dinners around the world.
“Thanks so much for two years of brilliant columns – they’ve been fabulous, funny, wry, thought provoking, and sparkling. A joy to edit.”Rachel Rickard Strauss, Editor Moneywise magazine